Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Daze 23-24 I'm Reading but in a Daze
I'm at the neighborhood internet cafe where the keyboards are infested with little baby coackroaches! I forgot to bring my B of M or my notes, so I'm just winging it.
Any way, I've been reading the Isaiah chapters as quoted by Jacob. It's pretty heavy stuff and since I've been on decongestants and antibiotics that turn me to a sleepy Zombie, much of the significance of it went right over my stuffed up head. I did remember I had a copy of Ludlow's B of M Commentary so I got that out and read about how important parts I had glossed over. Those pills should have a disclaimer: Danger! Do not operate heavy machinery or read the writings of Isaiah while under the influence.
Here is some GREAT news. My hubby arrived in the country this morning and now he's here for a month to help me get my wild child under control (for a while, anyway)!!! AND we celebrate 29 years of bi-racial, cross-cultural, inter-faith marriage!!! Beat that! Yes, such a feat is worthy of 7 exclaimination points in one paragraph! (Oops, make that 8)